01.17. + 01.18.2020
Curriculum Implantologie im Rahmen der DGI und APW
Topic: Augmentation
Venue: Münster
Frühjahrstagung Norddeutscher Landesverband DGI
Topic: Schlüsselfaktoren für den Erfolg mit Implantaten in der ästhetischen Zone
Venue: Hamburg
Curriculum Implantatprothetik
Topic: Einzelzahnversorgung
Venue: Zahnärztekammer Westfalen-Lippe in Münster
03.18. - 03.21.2020
Academy of Osseointegration Annual Meeting
Topic: Surgical Track – Virtual Planning – Guided Surgery
Venue: Seattle, USA
04.24. + 04.25.2020
Kurs ‚Neue Gruppe’
Topic: Implantate in der ästhetischen Zone: Implantatdesign, Augmentation, Soft Tissue, restaurative Aspekte, Keramikimplantate (Dr. Marquardt)
05.08. - 05.09.2020
Curriculum Implantologie im Rahmen der DGI und APW
Topic: Augmentation
Venue: Münster
09.18. - 09.19.2020
ZÄT Info-Kongress
Topic: Planung von Implantatversorgungen in der ästhetischen Zone
Venue: Münster
Compactserien Ästhetische Implantoglogie DGI
Topic: Schlüsselfaktoren für den Erfolg mit Implantaten in der ästhetischen Zone
Venue: Münster
10.15. - 10.17.2020
Italian Academy of Osseiinteration - 2° National Congress
Topic: Managing hard- and soft tissue complications of bone regneration procedures
Venue: Mailand, Italien
Full Day Lecture
Topic: Success with Implants in the Esthetic Zone
Venue: Brüssel, Belgien
01.10. - 01.12.2019 7 Decades of Experience, Quintessenz Venue: Berlin
01.25. - 01.26.2019 Curriculum Implantologie im Rahmen der DGI und APW Venue: Münster
02.01.2019 1000club Venue: Zürich
02.23.2018 Curriculum Implantatprothetik Venue: Münster
03.29.2019 ITI benelux Symposium Venue: Rotterdam
05.04.2019 Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond Academy Venue: Venedig
05.23. - 05.25.2019 EAED Frühjahrsmeeting Venue: München
06.06. - 06.09.2019 ITI Symposium Venue: Boston
09.07.2019 Estehtik Days Venue: Baden-Baden
09.19. - 09.21.2019 DG Paro Venue: Darmstadt
10.31.2019 ASIO Venue: Zürich
11.09.2019 Reunion Dr. Siebert Venue: Berlin
12.03. - 12.04.2018 Quintessence: Two-Days Hands-On Workshop Venue: Chicago
11.10.2018 Bone and tissue days Venue: Berlin
11.09. - 11.10.2018 German Dentists’ Conference Venue: Frankfurt
10.25. - 11.01.2018 28th Expert Symposium Venue: Fuerteventura
10.11. - 10.14.2018 Quintessenz Symposium Venue: Sydney
10.10. - 10.13.2018 EAO Congress Venue: Wien
09.21. - 09.22.2018 ADS Course Venue: Münster
09.15.2018 5th Hamburg Forum for Innovative Implantology Venue: Hamburg
09.14.2018 Straumann Course Venue: Bremen
06.15. - 06.16.2018 International Expert Symposium Venue: Rom
06.02.2018 Czech Academy of Dental Esthetics Venue: Prag
05.25. - 05.26.2018 NVVRT-AAFP Meeting Venue: Amsterdam
05.11.2018 Spring Conference, New Group Venue: Münster (Schloss Wilkinghege)
05.04.2018 Annual Conference, DGPro Venue: Berlin
04.27.2018 BDIZ Curriculum, Module 6, Soft Tissue Management Venue: Köln
04.26. - 04.28.2018 Camlog Congress - German Workshop Venue: Rotterdam
04.19. - 04.20.2018 Postgraduate Lecture Program, ParoCHU Series Venue: Liège (Belgien)
04.14.2018 Annual Meeting of SEPA Venue: Sevilla
03.23.2018 APW - Curriculum aesthetic dentistry Venue: Bielefeld
03.16.2018 10th ITI Congress, Germany Venue: Bonn
03.02.2018 Karl Häupl Congress Venue: Köln
02.23. - 02.24.2018 New Group Course Venue: Münster
09. - 10.02.2018 DGI-APW Curriculum: Implantologie Venue: Münster
01.19.2018 Master's Programme, DGP & DIU Venue: Bielefeld
11.24.2017 APW – Curriculum: Aesthetics. ZHK Venue: Bielefeld
11.10.2017 DGMK / BDO Curriculum Venue: Hamburg
10.26. - 11.02.2017 27. Expert Symposium Venue: Fuerteventura
10.05. - 10.07.2017 EAO-SEPES Congress Venue: Madrid
09.29.2017 Austrian Dentists Congress Venue: Innsbruck
09.22. - 09.23.2017 CAMLOG Symposium Venue: Wimsheim
07.21.2017 Seattle Study Club, Working Group, Tegernsee Venue: Tegernsee
07.07.2017 Expert Meeting GOLD Venue: Hamburg
06.22.2017 Working Group for Oral Implantology Venue: Zürich
05.19. - 05.20.2017 ITI Curriculum - Moduel 6 Venue: Münster
05.12. - 05.13.2017 Evolution of Excellence in Prosthodontics, International Dental Forum Venue: Athen
05.05. - 05.06.2017 8th Congress: Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond Venue: München
03.17.2017 APW - Curriculum Aesthetics ZHK Venue: Bielefeld
02.17.2017 Introduction to implantology - A Basic, Practical Course for Dentists Venue: Praxis Dr. Happe & Kollegen, Münster
02.10. - 02.12.2017 10th International Expert Meeting Camlog Venue: Florenz
02.03.2017 APW - Curriculum Aesthetics ZHK Venue: Bielefeld
01.20.2017 Master's Programme DGP & DIU Venue: Bielefeld
01.14.2017 "The New Implant Crown" An International Symposium Venue: Zürich
11.24. - 11.26.2016 30th DGI Congress Venue: Hamburg
11.11. - 11.12.2016 DGI Implantology Continuum Venue: Münster
10.28.2016 ITI Training (Theoretical Workshop with Practical Exer-cises on Anterior Implants for Demanding Patients - Success Factors for Aesthetic Implant Restorations Venue: Münster
10.07.2016 Straumann Expert Meeting Gold: Anterior Implants for Demanding Patients - Success Factors for Aesthetic Implant Restorations Venue: München
06.24. - 06.25.2016 ITI Curriculum - Module 6: Soft Tissue Management Venue: Münster
05.26. - 05.29.2016 MIS 3rd Global Conference Venue: Barcelona (Spanien)
05.13. - 05.14.2016 BBB – Guided Bone Regeneration Symposium Venue: Alba, (Italien)
04.23.2016 DGI: 15th Annual Conference of Regional Association Venue: Münster
04.21. - 04.23.2016 International Osteology Symposium Venue: Monaco
04.12.2016 Cologne Implant Study Club; Topic: Aesthetics in the Anterior Region Venue: Köln
04.08.2016 Microsurgical Techniques for Bone and Soft Tissue Augmentation in Implantology Venue: Münster
03.11.2016 Curriculum Implantology BDIZ - Soft Tissue Manage-ment (Module 6) Venue: Köln
02.27.2016 30th Berlin Dentists' Conference Venue: Berlin
02.26.2016 DGÄZ APW Curriculum Aesthetic Dentistry Venue: Bielefeld
02.24.2016 Webinar: Key factors for implant success in the aes-thetic zone