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Happe A, Debring L, Grandoch A, Neugebauer J: Aktuelle Konzepte zur Sofortimplantation im Frontzahnbereich. Implantologie 2019;27(2):115

Fischer K, Testori T, Wachtel H, Mühlemann S, Happe A & Del Fabbro M (geteilte Letztautorenschaft): Soft Tissue Augmentation Applying a Collagenated Procine Dermal Matrix During Second-Stage Surgery: A Prospective Multi-Center Case Series. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. 2019 Oct;21(5):923-930. Epub 2019 Jul 15.

Happe A, Sielker S, Hanisch M, Jung S: The biological effect of particulate titanium contaminants of dental implants on human osteoblasts and gingivofibroblasts. International Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Implants 2019 Feb 26. Doi 10.11607/jomi.6929 (epub 2019 Feb 26)

Happe A, Fehmer V, Herklotz I, Nickenig A, Sailer I: Possibilities and limitations of computer-assisted implant planning and guided surgery in the anterior region. International Journal of Computerized Dentistry 2018, 21 (2):147-162

Happe A, Fehmer V, Herklotz I, Nickenig HJ, Sailer I: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der computergestützten Implantatplanung und schablonenunterstützten Implantation im Frontzahnbereich. Quintessenz 2018;69(9):2-14

Quintessenz 2018

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Fickl S, Fischer K, Petersen N, Happe A, Schlee M, Schlagenhauf U, Kebschull M.: Dimensional Evaluation of Different Ridge Preservation Techniques: A Randomized Clinical Study, International Journal for Periodontology and Restorative Dentistry 2017 May/Jun; 37(3): 403-410. doi: 10.11607/prd.2629.

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Herklotz I, Beuer F, Kunz A, Hildebrand D, Happe A.: Navigation in implantology, International Journal for Comput Dent. 2017; 20(1): 9-19.

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Fienitz T, Moses O, Klemm C, Happe A, Ferrari D, Kreppel M, Ormianer Z, Gal M, Rothamel D.: Histological and radiological evaluation of sintered and non-sintered deproteinized bovine bone substitute materials in sinus augmentation procedures. A prospective, randomized-controlled, clinical multicenter study, Clin Oral Investig. 2017 Apr; 21(3):787-794. doi: 10.1007/s00784-016-1829-9. Epub 2016 Apr 30. 4.

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Happe A, Kunz A.: Complex fixed implant-supported restoration in a site compromised by periodontitis: a case report, International Journal for Esthetic Dentistry 2016 Summer; 11(2):186-202.

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Neugebauer J, Petermöller S, Scheer M, Happe A, Faber FJ, Zoeller JE.: Comparison of design and torque measurements of various manual wrenches, International Journal for Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2015 May-Jun; 30(3): 526-33. doi: 10.11607/jomi.3733.

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Happe A, Röling N, Schäfer A, Rothamel D.: Effects of different polishing protocols on the surface roughness of Y-TZP surfaces used for custom-made implant abutments: a controlled morphologic SEM and profilometric pilot study, J Prosthet Dent. 2015 May;113(5):440-7. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2014.12.005. Epub 2015 Mar 4.

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Schlee M, Dehner JF, Baukloh K, Happe A, Seitz O, Sader R.: Esthetic outcome of implant-based reconstructions in augmented bone: comparison of autologous and allogeneic bone block grafting with the pink esthetic score (PES), Head Face Med. 2014 May 28; 10:21. doi: 10.1186/1746-160X-10-21

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Daniel Rothamel, Marcel Benner, Tim Fienitz, Arndt Happe, Matthias Kreppel, Hans-Joachim Nickenig, Joachim E Zöller: Biodegradation pattern and tissue integration of native and cross-linked porcine collagen soft tissue augmentation matrices - an experimental study in the rat., Head & Face Medicine 03/2014; 10(1):10.

Arndt Happe, Hans-Joachim Nickenig, Joachim E. Zöller, Daniel Rothamel: Indikationen für Bindegewebetransplantate in der Implantologie in der ästhetischen Zone, Implantologie 2013;21(2):159–170

Happe A, Stimmelmayr M, Schlee M, Rothamel D: Surgical Management of Peri-Implant Soft-Tissue Color Mismatch caused by Shine-Through Effects of Restorative Materials using a Connective Tissue Graft and a Tunneling Approach – One-Year Follow Up. International Journal for Periodontology and Restorative Dentistry 01/2013;33(1):81-8

Happe A, Schulte-Mattler V, Strassert C, Naumann M, Zöller JE, Rothamel. In Vitro Color Changes of Soft Tissues caused by Dyed Fluorescent Zirconia and Non-Dyed, Non-Fluorescent Zirconia in thin Mucosa. International Journal for Periodontology and Restorative Dentistry 01/2013;33(1):e1-8

Happe A, Nadenau E, Röling N, Neugebauer J, Nickenig H-J, Rothamel D: Abutmentdesign – Makro-, Mikro- und Nanoaspekte. Implantologie 2013;21 (4):367-373

Happe A: Soft Tissue Grafts in Esthetic Implant Surgery. Implantology 01/2013;21(2):159-170

Pabst AM, Happe A, Callaway A, Ziebart T, Stratul SI, Ackermann M, Konerding MA, Willershausen B, Kasaj A: In vitro and in vivo characterization of porcine acellular dermal matrix for gingival augmentation procedures. J Periodont Res 2013; doi:10.1111/jre.121

Stimmelmayr M, Güth JF, Erdelt K, Happe A, Schlee M, Beuer F: Clinical study evaluating the discrepancy oft wo different impression techniques of four implants in an edentulous jaw. Clinical Oral Investigations 12/2012

Happe A, Elling W, Nickenig HJ, Rothamel D: Sofortimplantation im ästhetischen Bereich. Wissen Kompakt 2012, 6, 21-28

Naumann M, Hohmann C, Happe A, Beuer F, Frankenberger R, Seemann R. Rosentritt: Are Implants more reliable than severely compromised endodontically treated teeth as abutments for zirconia-based FPDs? In-vitro results of long-term preclinical load simulation. Clinical Oral Investigations 10/2012

Stimmelmayr M, Edelhoff D,Güth JF, Erdelt K, Happe A, Beuer F: Wear at the titanium-titanium and the titanium-zirconia implant-abutment interface: a comparative in-vitro study. Dental Materials 09/2012;28(12):1215-20

Tunjan R, Rosentritt M, Sterzenbach G, Happe A, Frankenberger R, Seemann R, Naumann M: Are Endodontically Treated Incisors Reliable Abutments for Zirconia-based FPDs in the Esthetic Zone? J Endod. 2012 Apr;38 (4):519-22.Epub 2012 Feb 4

Rothamel D, Schwarz F, Fienitz T, Smeets R, Dreiseidler T, Ritter L, Happe A, Zöller J: Biocompatibility and Biodegradation of a Native, Porcine Pericardium Membrane. Results from in vitro/in vivo Examination. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012; 27 (1):146-54.

Happe A, Koerner G: Implantologische Frontzahn-versorgungen unter ästhetischen Gesichtspunkten – Erfolgs- und Risikofaktoren, Quintessenz 2011;62(5):667–679

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Happe A, Koerner G: Biologic Interfaces in Esthetic Dentistry. Part II: The Peri-implant/ Restorative Interface*, Eur J Esthet Dent 2011;6:206–224

Happe A, Schulte-Mattler V, Fickl S, Naumann M, Zöller JE, Rothamel D: Spectrometric Assessment of Peri-Implant Mucosa After Restoration with Zirconia Abutments Veneered with Fluorescent Ceramic: A Controlled, Retrospective Clinical Study. Clinical Oral Implant Research 12/2011

Stimmelmayr M, Erdelt K, Güth JF, Happe A, Beuer: Evaluation of impression accuracy for a four-implant mandibular model – a digital approach. Clinical Oral Investigations 10/2011:16(4):1137-42

Arndt Happe: Zur Problematik von submukösen Zementresten bei Implantologieschen Suprastrukturen und der Indikation individueller Abutments. Implantologie 2011;19(2):161-169

Happe A, Körner G: Biologic Interfaces in Esthetic Dentistry. Part II: The Peri-Implant /Restorative Interface. European Journal for Esthetic Dentistry 2011;6:227-251 Review auf Einladung der European Academy for Esthetic Dentistry

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Körner G, Happe A: Biologic Interfaces in Esthetic Dentistry. Part I: The Perio/Restorative Interface. European Journal for Esthetic Dentistry 2011;6:206-224 Review auf Einladung der European Academy for Esthetic Dentistry

Rothamel D, Schwarz F, Smeets R, Happe A, Finiertz T, Mazor Z, Zöller JE: Sinus floor elevation using a sintered natural bone mineral. A histologic case report. Zeitschrift für Zahnärztliche Implantologie 2011;27(1)

Happe, A.; Körner, G; Rothamed, D.: Zur Problematik von submukösen Zementresten bei implantologischen Suprastrukturen und der Indikationindividueller Abutment, Implantologie 2011;19(2):161-169 (PDF-Version)

Happe, A.: Aspekte der präprothetischen und plastisch-rekonstruktiven Mikrochirurgie. BZB Januar/Februar 10 (PDF-Version)

Happe, A.; Körnern, G; Nolte, A: The Keyhole Access Expansion / Technique for Flapless Implant / Stage-Two Surgery. Technical Nolte. Volume 30, Number 1, 2010 (PDF-Version)

Happe, A.; Kasuistik: Ästhetik erlangen mit einem ausgewählten System. Oralchirurgie Journal 3/2009 9. Jahrgang (PDF-Version)

Happe, A.; Günter, S.: Ultima Ratio - Die mikrochirurgische Endochirurgie. Endodontie Journal (7) 1: 10-16 (2008)

Happe, A.: Vollkeramische Implantataufbauteile. Jahrbuch Dental kompakt 2007 (PDF-Version)

Happe, A; Khoury, F: Complications and risk factors in bone grafting procedures. In Khoury, Antoun, Missika: Bone Augmentation in Oral Implantologie. Quintessence Publishing, Chicago, 2007. Buchpublikation.

Happe, A: A new method for harvesting bone grafts from the mandibula ramus using a piezoelectrical surgical device – a report of 40 cases. Int Journal for Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2007; 3

Happe A, Körner G, Nolte A: The Keyhole Access Expansion Technique (KEYEX) for minimal invasive second stage implant surgery - technical note. Accepted for Publication: Int Journal for Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry

Khoury, F.; Happe, A.: Temporäre Implantate bei ausgedehnten Kieferkammaugmentationen – Ergebnisse einer klinischen Studie. Implantologie. 9,4:375-385 (2001)

Happe, A.: Sofortbelastung stegverblockter Schraubenimplantate im zahnlosen Unterkiefer. Klinischer Erfahrungsbericht. Quintessenz 51,12,1237-1246 (2000)

Khoury, F.; Happe, A.: The palatinal subepithelial connective tissue flap method for soft tissue management to cover maxillary defects: a clinical report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 15,3 :415-418 (2000)

Khoury, F.; Happe, A.: Soft tissue management in oral implantology: A review of surgical techniques for shaping an esthetic and functional peri-implant soft tissue structure. Quintessenz International 31,7:483-499 (2000)

Happe, A.; Schmidt, J.: Komplexe chirurgische Einzelzahn-Implantatversorgung regio 21 – Eine Falldarstellung. Quintessenz 51,3:215-222 (2000)

Khoury,F.; Happe, A.: Zur Diagnostik und Methodik von intraoralen Knochenentnahmen. Zeitschrift für Zahnärztliche Implantologie 3 (1999)

Khoury, F.; Happe, A.: Chirurgische Prognosefaktoren in der oralen Implantologie. Erschienen in: Aktueller Stand der zahnärztlichen Implantologie. Hrsg. Hartmann, H.-J.; Spitta Verlag (1999)

Khoury, F.; Happe, A.: Weichgewebsmanagement in der oralen Implantologie Eine Übersicht über klinisch relevante Operationstechniken zur Schaffung einer ästhetisch-funktionellen periimplantären Weichgewebssituation II. Quintessenz 10 (1998)

Khoury, F.; Happe, A.: Weichgewebsmanagement in der oralen Implantologie Eine Übersicht über klinisch relevante Operationstechniken zur Schaffung einer ästhetisch-funktionellen periimplantären Weichgewebssituation I. Quintessenz 9 (1998)


Happe, A.: Management des periimplantär-restaurativen Interface durch ein biologisches und biomimetisches individuelles vollkeramisches Abutment. 22. Jahrestagung der DGI in Frankfurt 28.11.2008 (PDF-Version)

Happe, A.: Xive Implant and Cercon Abutment in a socket preservation approach for the esthetic restoration of a central incisor – case presentation. 13. Dentsply-Friadent Symposium Berlin 18./19.04.2008 (PDF-Version)

Happe, A.: Soft tissue coverage of immediate placed implants, using a connective Tissue graft, to provide submerged healing and enhanced anterior esthetics. 10th International FRIADENT Symposium/ Heidelberg. 2003

Happe, A.: Klinischer Erfahrungsbericht mit der Sofortbelastung von 40 Steg-verblockten Implantaten im zahnlosen Unterkiefer. 9. Internationales FRIADENT Symposium in Straßburg. 2001

Khoury, F.; Happe, A.; Basner, Ch.; Neugebauer, J.: A new surgical device for harvesting bone grafts. 8th international congress on reconstructive and preprosthetic surgery. April 15-17, 1999, San Diego, USA