
Dentistry, Newly Defined

Our dental practice is located in the city center of Münster, at Schützenstraße 2, corner of Ludgeristraße, between Ludgeri- and Marienplatz. We are within easy walking distance to the public transport network. In addition, parking is available in the immediate vicinity.

Our modern consulting and treatment rooms are located directly on Münster's green, scenic promenade and are designed with a striking, modern flair. And we use state-of-the-art medical technology in our practice, which makes your treatment safer, gentler, and the outcome more successful.

Smart Dental Concepts

Smart Dental Concepts stands for structured planning and procedures, individualized therapy concepts, high profes-sional competence and comprehensible communication with patients.

We look forward to meeting you!

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Dentistry has made incredible progress in recent years. This applies above all to new materials such as zirconium- oxide and lithium disilicate ceramics (all-ceramics), new holistic therapy approaches as well as micro-invasive, microsurgical and microscopic procedures. Click here to find out how you as a patient can benefit from this.


Professional Expertise

Expertise at the cutting edge of science and high-quality materials are the basis on which our work is performed, at all levels. Our internal quality management supports us in the sustained implemention of our high standards. All of our dentists are specialized in their respective disciplines, have undergone extensive further training in them, and continue to educate themselves in order to keep abreast of the latest advances in dentistry.

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Connecting Competencies, Exploiting Synergies

We bundle our core competencies: implantology, aesthetic dentistry, periodontology and oral surgery, and work together with yet another team of internal and external specialists. Thus, we can offer you an overarching, “big picture” concept for your dental health.

Qualität und Ästhetik

Quality and Aesthetics Take Absolute Priority

Our treatment concept entails a high demand for the quality of our work with regard to sustainability and individual aes-thetics - and a harmonious interrelationship between the teeth and face.

How We Implement these Principles Daily

Teeth and gums don’t only perform functions. They are important components of an overall harmonious picture of your face and thus of your complete „look”. But aesthetic dentistry means far more than just individual cosmetic procedures.

The interrelation of your teeth with your lips, cheeks and certain reference lines of your face are key factors that play a decisive role in our aesthetic analysis.

Research and development in dentistry are constantly spurring progress. So that we can offer you our exceptional level of quality at all times, we are constantly training in all areas of dentistry as well as in quality and practice management. Prof. Dr. Happe is also a speaker and lectures at the University of Cologne. He is invited to present at national and international congresses and thus has constant contact and collegial exchange with the best dentists worldwide.

Comprehensive consultation is an important part of our phi-losophy: we want you to be well-informed and actively involved in decision-making. We take a lot of time to consult you, to present you with possible alternatives and work with you to find out what we can best do for you.

In addition to superior dental care, we also place high demands on ourselves for our work on the human level. The atmosphere in our practice is personal, friendly and relaxed. Our dentists and our entire staff are wholeheartedly committed to your well-being.

Our teeth fulfil many functions that go far beyond chewing and eating. We need them for sound formation when speaking and also for non-verbal communication, such as smiling. Healthy, beautiful teeth radiate well-being and vitality. Chronic inflammations such as the widespread disease periodontitis can affect the entire organism and be negatively influenced by systemic diseases such as diabetes. That’s why we always take the whole person (you) into account.

With our combination of special competencies, we offer you a modern and broad spectrum of treatment: from preven-tion, to tooth preservation, to innovative forms of treatment with implants, dental prostheses and aesthetics.

In addition, we have special service offers for you: As a new patient, for example, you can fill out the questionnaire for your first visit from the comfort of your own home. The questionnaire asks important questions about your general health and dental history. The questionnaire can be sent to you by e-mail, so you can complete it at home and we can prepare for your individual needs in advance.

Thanks to our optional appointment reminder service (by text messaging) and appointment reminder system, you won’t forget your prophylaxis appointments or important aftercare treatments. Special treatment times for working people or for emergencies are also available.

We are parents ourselves and know the special needs of children visiting the dentist. We patiently nurture thier trust and use modern techniques to make their visit stress-free. One focus of our work is on preventive care for children and adolescents.

We look forward to hearing your questions and suggestions. Your opinion is important to us and helps us to continuously develop to your benefit.

Our practice in numbers

Years of practical experience
Great employees
Free smiles!

/ Information Center

We want to keep you informed and up-to-date completely and comprehensibly, and to make important documents available to you. To this end, we use all media capabilities that the internet and visualization offer today.

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Quality through Systematic Plan-ning

The quality of our treatment is the result of systematic plan-ning and management. We define goals, plan measures, implement them in all areas of the practice, regularly check current status, and make adjustments where necessary.

Our quality management impacts all areas of our practice: from dental treatment and the materials used, to organiza-tion of patient-oriented procedures, to the hygiene of our fa-cilities, and to our technical equipment.

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Modern Dentistry Demands Modern Technology

Our practice in Münster is highly technologized- in examination, planning and treatment, methods conforming to current scientific standards and cutting-edge medical high technology are used. Nevertheless, we always rmaintain the human perspective, and we are oriented toward, and focus on, your needs for individualized dentistry.

Our innovative technology immensely expands the capabilities of modern dentistry and often opens up possibilities that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. It contributes to making your treatment safer, gentler and more successful. But it also ensures more precise diagnostics - a prerequisite for target-oriented, successful therapy.

Wouldn't it be critical to get important information about the anatomy of the jaw and the position of nerves before inserting implants? Let us explain how this works:

In some cases, conventional X-ray diagnostics are not sufficient to plan implants. In the case of difficult anatomical conditions, digital volume tomography (DVT) can be useful. This is a state-of-the-art 3D X-ray procedure. These images allow for the third dimension to be used in assessment, which in turn allows the jaw with all the important details, such as the nerves, to be displayed spatially on a computer.

This procedure thus enables detailed planning of the procedure; it lets us determine in advance whether important anatomical structures are located near the implant, and whether bone needs to be built up or how much tissue is required and where.

The planned positions can be converted into a surgical template by our dental laboratory. It serves as a guide during actual insertion and precisely determines the positioning. This makes it possible to place the implants precisely in the jaw. This procedure is not always necessary. It is mainly used when implants are placed close to sensitive anatomical structures such as nerves or the maxillary sinus.

However, the treatment is thus not only more precise and safer, but also gentler for you, with even less stress. This means that, among other things, you will have fewer post-operative complaints.

Directly before surgical treatments (implant treatments in particular, sometimes also for the removal of displaced teeth or root tip resections), an intensive technical diagnosis is useful in order to show sensitive structures such as nerves or the maxillary sinus, and to be able to take them into account during the treatment.

For this diagnosis we have our own digital volume tomograph (DVT) at our disposal. This is an ultra-modern 3D X-ray procedure, which allows the structures of teeth and jaws to be displayed three-dimensionally.

This results in many advantages. The decisive factor: Treatments can be planned more precisely and carried out more safely. This is often the only way, for example, to determine the width of the jawbone or the position of a tooth’s root or to assess the course of a nerve. In addition, patho-logical findings can be assessed more accurately. Another advantage: In contrast to computer tomography (CT), DVT works with significantly lower radiation dosage.

Piezosurgery® (Piezo Electric Bone Surgery) involves an instrument for cutting bone in a minimally invasive manner. This instrument works with a modulated ultrasound frequency that only processes hard tissue. This provides us with an "intelligent" bone scalpel that only cuts bone and does not injure nerves or vessels, as drills or other instruments would.

In microsurgery we are able to work with new, much smaller diameters. We work with magnifying optical systems such as the surgical microscope and use up to 20x magnifications.

  • This enables us to identify diseased structures, invisible to the naked eye.
  • The microscope enables more precise surgical work that better protects tissue.
  • The magnification also contributes to better aesthetic results. For example gums can be treated more precisely and shaped more exactly.

Our dentists use a dental loupe for many treatments. In almost all areas, they ensure that we can discern even finer details of your teeth and gums and that way work more accurately for example in the diagnosis of cavities, in a surgical procedure or in periodontal treatment. This level of accuracy is often a prerequisite for the success of treatment.

With the intraoral camera we take pictures inside your mouth and display them for you on a monitor. This allows us to expand our consultation options, as we can discuss our findings and treatment alternatives "live" with you. You can form your own impression of the result of a treatment: for example, how an all-ceramic crown fits unobtrusively into your dental arches (rows of teeth).

This technique is used in dental cleaning (prophylaxis) and in aesthetic dentistry. With a water-glycine jet (glycine is a natural amino acid) your teeth and interdental spaces are cleaned effectively and gently, and discolorations caused by nicotine, tea and coffee can also be removed.

With this minimally invasive procedure, disease-causing bacteria can be removed highly effectively, completely pain-lessly, while sparing tissue in the process.

Photodynamic therapy is used for periodontitis and root canal treatments and, if necessary, for professional teeth cleaning. For this purpose, energy-rich laser light (using a HELBO laser) is used.

The advantages: this method is gentle because it only works against bacteria. Gums and other tissues are completely excluded from the effect. We achieve particularly good treatment results with it and can dispense with any larger measures that may be necessary (e.g. surgery).

An important prerequisite for the production of high-quality dental prostheses is the impression, or the "mold". Here we use the advantages of precision impression-taking with polyether or silicone, because it is the best way to achieve a perfect fit.

In addition, we use modern digital procedures such as an intraoral scanner. This eliminates classic impression molding. Instead, an "optical impression" is created with the intraoral scanner without touching your teeth, and is highly precise.

Disturbances in the masticatory system can cause head-ache, neck pain, back pain or grinding of teeth – known as a "craniomandibular dysfunction" (CMD).

Using functional analysis we get to the root of the causes. This makes diagnostics simpler, more comfortable, and more accurate. The sooner we have the results, the sooner we can help you.

In the case of this often-difficult therapy, apart from the skill and expertise of the dentist, special technical equipment and a particular kind of procedure are required. We offer you treatment using quality-enhancing methods that increase the chance of tooth preservation:

  • We use dental loupes and surgical microscopes to find fine root canals more effectively and to increase the precision of the treatment.
  • Electronic root length measurement determines the exact length of root canals, while simultanepously reducing the number of X-rays necessary to be taken, which results in a safer procedure for you.
  • Using machined instruments and highly flexible nckel-titanium files makes it possible to treat even difficult, curved root canals efficiently.
  • Using micro-instruments and magnification, root canals are prepared conically. They are tapered towards the ends in a funnel shape and can thus be cleaned and filled more accurately.

When performing complex treatments where aesthetics are particularly relevant, we first complete a series of photos of your teeth and your smile. We thus retain a record of your „before“ status, making it possible to plan your treatment precisely and so that no information about your exact, individual characteristics are lost. The photographs also serve to document findings for aesthetic analysis, and for insurance claims.

We use ultra-modern, digital X-ray equipment, which emits radiation dosages about one fifth lower than with conventional (analogue) X-ray technology.

A further advantage is that we see your X-ray image immediately on the monitor, so there is no need to develop film. Because our practice is digitally networked, we can diagnose them more quickly and proceed with your treatment.

Many patients have crooked or crowded teeth in the maxillary or mandibular anterior region. Often, teeth are also rotated. In many cases these misalignments can be treated with braces that are nearly invisible. For this purpose, various transparent splints (aligners) are made from very thin plastic, which are worn for only a few weeks.

For an attractive smile with beautiful white teeth, we offer light-activated bleaching. Because your teeth can be whitened in several steps within one appointment, wearing a retainer for days is no longer necessary.

How it works: The whitening gel is applied to the tooth surface and then irradiated with a special lamp. The light activates the gel, increases its effectiveness and turns whitening into "power bleaching".